They smell heavenly, taste sweet and fresh and are full of vitamin C: oranges At Finca Biniagual, we offer freshly picked natural oranges of our own production. Finca Biniagual, we offer freshly picked natural oranges of our own production. Apart from all these positive features, oranges are incredibly photogenic and decorative, as shown by the results of a very special wedding-photo shooting that recently has taken place in Biniagual.

The orange is quite a marvellous fruit – in fact, and surprisingly, a berry – not only because of the beautiful smell of its etheric oils and its sweet and juicy taste but also because it’s very healthy and can be stored for a couple of weeks under cool and dark conditions.

Finca Biniagual cultivates citrus fruits on 11 hectares of land – mostly orange trees, but also clementine and lemon trees. We pick them fresh every day and offer them in our shop – locally produced, fresh and healthy. You also find our orange and lemon jams in our shop in Biniagual as well as in our webshop.

Especially now in winter, in the season of colds, it’s very important to ingest vitamin C, which helps our immune system to work properly. Eating 200 grams of orange covers and adult’s daily need of vitamin C. There is a higher vitamin C content in parsley or kale – but for most of us, it’s more pleasurable to eat an orange or drink its juice, than munching on a bunch of parsley or a couple of kale leaves.

And: Finca Biniagual’s oranges are a treat for the eyes. The photographer Tanya Vasiliuk (@tanyavasiliuk) has recently chosen Finca Biniagual as a location for a very special wedding-shooting for Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz (@nataliaortizwed) – very soon, we will show you the results in our blog.

Order your fresh oranges today: events@finca-biniagual.com